Information on processing of personal data

Dear Client,
pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (commonly known as GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) we would like to provide you with basic information about personal data processing:

The Controller of your data is:

Jacek Kasprzyk Kancelaria Tłumacza Przysięgłego Języka Angielskiego having its registered office in Wrocław at 23 Odrzańska Street (3rd floor), NIP (tax identification number): 949-149-63-27, REGON (National Official Register of Business Entities): 021950136.
We ensure security of your personal data. The Controller proceeds with due diligence taking care of interests of the interested persons, in particular ensuring that personal data:

  • are processed in accordance with statutory regulations;
  • are collected for specified, legitimate purposes and are not subject to further processing that would not be connected with those purposes;
  • are correct and proper with reference to their processing purposes;
  • have been stored in a form that complies with statutory regulations.

The scope of data processing

We have been processing the following categories of your personal data: identification data (e.g. full name, date of birth, PESEL, NIP), contact data (e.g. phone number, e-mail) and correspondence data (e.g. address of residence), data pertaining to concluded contracts and financial data (e.g. amount of remuneration, bank account number).

It is mandatory to provide your full name in case of certified translation. The data shall be processed for the purpose of making an entry in the register, namely the register of translations held by a sworn translator. Provision of such data is mandatory and results from the obligation to identify the principal or ordering party as defined in Art. 17, item 2 of the Act on Profession of Sworn Translator (of 25th October 2014 as amended). The data shall be stored for the period specified in applicable provisions on the obligation to keep and store the register of a sworn translator (Art. 22 of the Act).

Providing one’s postal address, e-mail and phone number is voluntary, yet necessary for contact in the course of translation process as well as for identification of the client in order to avoid delivery of documents to unauthorized party or to send the documents that have not been collected. The data shall be stored for 10 years, that is until elapse of the period for prescription of client’s claims based on translation order. The basis for processing are legitimate interests of the Controller.

Processing of personal data, including client’s data as well as data of third parties included in documents subject to translation is necessary for proper execution of a translation order, even though their delivery is voluntary. The data shall be stored for 10 years (in the form of documents/translations), that is until elapse of the period for prescription of client’s claims based on translation order. The basis for processing are legitimate interests of the Controller.

Purposes and legal basis for processing:

Your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes:
a) execution of a submitted translation order (GDPR – Art. 6(1), letter b);
b) substantiation of a concluded contract and its settlement, based on tax law and accounting law regulations (GDPR – Art. 6(1), letter c);
c) internal administrative purposes constituting execution of legitimate interests of the Controller (GDPR – Art. 6(1), letter f);
d) archiving (evidentiary purposes), constituting execution of legitimate interests of the Controller to secure information in case of legal requirement to prove certain facts (GDPR – Art. 6(1), letter f);
e) to determine claims, pursue one’s own claims or defend oneself against claims of others, constituting execution of legitimate interests of the Controller (GDPR – Art. 6(1), letter f).

Storage period

The stored data can be processed on the basis of the consent until the said consent is withdrawn or the data appears to be out-of-date. Data processed on the basis of legitimate interests of the Controller can be processed until such interests remain valid or until data subject submits an objection against such processing. The data processed within any other scope can be processed no longer than for 10 years from the end of legal relationship between the client and Jacek Kasprzyk Kancelaria Tłumacza Przysięgłego Języka Angielskiego.

Your data will be disclosed to entities processing data on behalf of Jacek Kasprzyk Kancelaria Tłumacza Przysięgłego Języka Angielskiego, rendering services necessary for performance of the Contract concluded with the client, such as entities providing IT services, accounting office or, in case of legal dispute, a law firm.

If you wish to receive an invoice, you will be asked to provide additional data necessary for its issuance, in accordance with applicable tax regulations imposing an obligation to disclose the information on the data subject. Such data shall be stored for the statutory period (currently 5 years).

Rights of the data subject

Data subject is entitled to:
– access their data as well as correct, delete, limit their processing, transfer the data, make an objection against their processing, withdraw the consent on processing of the data at any time without specification of the reason, which does not affect legitimacy of processing based on the same consent before its withdrawal;
– the right to submit a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, when the subject decides that processing of their data is made at variance with GDPR provisions;
– the right to submit an objection against processing of their data on the basis of legitimate interests of the Controller at any time, as specified above. Controller shall cease to process the data for such purposes unless he can prove that there are important, legitimate grounds for the processing that override interest of the data subject, their rights and liberties or the data are necessary for the Controller to determine, pursue or defend his claims.

The data are not subject to decision-making by automated means, including profiling connected with decision-making by automated means.
The data subject is entitled to withdraw their consent at any time by sending a letter to the business address of the Controller, without determining any reason for such withdrawal, which does not affect legitimacy of processing based on the same consent before its withdrawal. In such a case the Controller shall cease to process the data for the purpose included in the previously expressed consent.

The data subject can demand the following from the Controller:

  • access to their data,
  • delivery of copy of the data subject to processing,
  • correction of the data,
  • deletion of the data or limitation of their processing to storage only. The Controller must comply with this demand only in case of particular circumstances specified in GDPR regulations, in particular, in case of an objection specified below.

The data subject can make an objection against processing of their data at any time, based on their informed consent, but complying with such an objection may result in non-performance of the agreement.
In case of questions or doubts connected with processing of the personal data, please contact the Controller at the following e-mail address:
You have the right to submit your complaint with supervising authority, that is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


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